View Full Version : Fernandez visits Barrick Gold mine

02-08-2012, 11:10 AM
President Leonel Fernandez made his first visit to the mining project in Pueblo Viejo yesterday, February 7, at the invitation of the president and CEO of Barrick, Aaron Regent and the president of Barrick Pueblo Viejo, Manuel E. Bonilla.

The President took the opportunity to learn about the project, which started a year ago. He visited as part of a group of special guests including the Canadian Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Todd Kuiack, businessman Gustavo Cisneros, government dignitaries and Barrick executives.

According to Barrick, the company has a 'Responsible Mining' mission, and for this purpose Pueblo Viejo uses advanced environmentally friendly technology. The company states that the mine at Pueblo Viejo would become a worldwide example to follow.

Aaron Regent, CEO of Barrick said "I hope that in the future, mining and metallurgy engineers from Canada, the USA and Australia will come here, to Pueblo Viejo, to learn how mining should be done."

He said that Barrick, Pueblo Viejo would continue to promote environmental conservation programs, supporting local neighborhood communities and ensuring a clean and safe environment for future generations, for the wellbeing of the country and its people. He said that they were committed to ensuring that people living near the mine benefitted from it, meaning they would continue to invest in health, education, training and the development of local businesses as well as other community initiatives.

He also praised the leadership and support of President Fernandez saying that under his leadership the Dominican Republic has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing economies in Latin America. He said that Fernandez had demonstrated that he was a true statesman, giving priority to the country's needs while maintaining a favorable environment for responsible economic development.

The CEO of Barrick encouraged foreign business owners to come to the Dominican Republic, saying it was an excellent place for investment.

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