View Full Version : Prices of rice and other foods up

02-08-2012, 11:10 AM
According to the president of the Mercado Nuevo Market Vendors Association, Luis Taveras, at the end of last month the price of a 125lb sack of rice increased by between RD$100 and RD$150, going from RD$2000 a sack to between RD$2,100 and RD$2,150. Previously rice was sold at RD$18 a pound and was now RD$20.

Other products, such as tomatoes and peppers have also risen in price.

Tomatoes, which used to cost RD$10 a pound are now between RD$12 and RD$14 a pound and peppers which used to be RD$10 a pound are now RD$12.

Despite the price increases Tavares said that sales have been good, not 100% but 80%.

He said that some products have decreased in price, such as onions which have gone down by RD$100 a 50lb sack, down to RD$1,300 from RD$1,400, to be sold in colmados for between RD$30 and RD$35 a pound.

Garlic prices remained stable at RD$48 a pound and potatoes are being sold for between RD$20 and RD$25 retail and RD$10 to RD$12 a pound wholesale.

Beans also remain stable, selling at between RD$28 and RD$33 a pound, and plantains have decreased slightly to between RD$8 and RD$9, although colmados are selling them at RD$12 and more.

The president of the Mercado Nuevo Egg Distributors Association, Carlos Mercedes said that the price of eggs decreased by RD$300 per thousand a month ago and is now stable. A thousand large eggs are selling at RD$3,900 and at RD$4 each, and medium eggs at RD$3.6 per unit.

www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/2/6/413408/Precios-del-arroz-y-de-varios-productos-agricolas-aumentan (http://www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/2/6/413408/Precios-del-arroz-y-de-varios-productos-agricolas-aumentan)

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