View Full Version : MP3 Player

Don Tomas
02-10-2007, 07:57 PM
We now have a MP3 player for your use available on the menu bar "Mp3Player".

Currently there is only one song right now but it will grow.

To Play:
Select a Playlist and then select a song.

To Add MP3:
You can host the files anywhere.

If you use the "File Upload Center" to upload please remember to only upload non-copyrighted music or music recorded off the radio or through another analog means.

To add a MP3 to a playlist you can click the link below the Player "Add Your MP3's (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/mp3playerindex.php?do=addmp3).

Fill out the following fields:

MP3 Title
MP3 URL (if using the File Upload Center remove the [MEDIA] tags)
Stream MP3 (leave as True)
Sound Buffer (0 if on our server, 5+ if on another server)
Choose Playlst (Reggaeton, Bachata/Merengue/Salsa, HipHop/R&B, Rock, Misc.)

You can add up to three MP3s at but only select one playlist per addition so please make sure the three MP3s belong in the same playlist.