View Full Version : Low quality of students is "humiliating"

02-14-2012, 03:20 PM
The rector of the Catholic University of Santo Domingo (UCSD), Ramon Alonso Beato, described the low educational quality of high school graduates as "humiliating" yesterday, Monday February 13. He said that out of every 100 students trying to enter the UCSD barely 40% manage to pass the entrance examination. Father Alonso answered questions about the problems associated with the low quality of education in the country and the challenges that these students face in the universities. He said: "At my university there is an entrance examination and statistically speaking, barely 40% of the students who take the exam, pass it, and this is humiliating." He said that the university was "discriminating" and taking the best students of the country so that the professors can make them perform. He said he regretted that so many people were left out of the university, adding that ideally some 90% should pass the tests.

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