View Full Version : Study finds high rates of teen alcohol use

02-14-2012, 03:20 PM
A study by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and reported in Diario Libre, on the effectiveness of a program on alcohol prevention among students in the last year of high school, revealed that 66.73% of young people drank alcohol. The study, presented yesterday, was carried out by researcher Ana Floripe Jimenez, with a sample of 5,075 students between the ages of 14 and 22, the median age being 17.18, in the Jaime Molina Mota, Salome Urena and Hermanas Mirabal high schools in the town of Villa Tapia.

Professor Jimenez revealed that in contrast with common perceptions, alcohol is not a stimulant, but a depressant that significantly damages health, although consumption in moderate amounts can have beneficial effects. "When alcohol is consumed in excess, dependence on this drug can occur, and one suffers from alcoholism. Alcoholism affects all ages, races and social levels and began to be studied in 1849," she said. She referred to some recent studies carried out in the Dominican Republic that show that students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades of primary school, between the ages of 12 and 14, consumed alcohol twice or more times a week. Ana Floripe Jimenez said that according to the World Health Organization, alcoholism is treatable but not curable, and "whoever develops alcoholism will be an alcoholic all their lives."

The former vice-rector for Research and Post Graduates, Clara Benedicto, presented the study during an event held at the Pedro Mir Library. Benedicto mentioned that the study by Floripe Jimenez was part of her doctoral thesis at the Universidad de Valencia (Spain). She said that Floripe Jimenez, who is also the president of a foundation against alcohol dependency, seeks to eradicate alcoholism, as well as to unite young people in the fight against this scourge.

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