View Full Version : Dominican Marine killed in Afghanistan

02-14-2012, 03:20 PM
A Dominican-born US marine was killed on Friday February 10 in an ambush by Taliban soldiers in Helmand province in Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Osbrany Montes De Oca, 20, from North Arlington, died on February 10 at the beginning of his patrol. "He was walking out of the base and he was immediately shot," his girlfriend Maria Samaniego said on Monday February 13.

Montes de Oca, who was a mortarman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force in Camp Lejeune, N.C., had been in the service just over a year, his girlfriend said. Samaniego described him as a "musclehead" who loved to stay fit. He played mid-field on the North Arlington High School lacrosse team and loved jogging in Hoboken.

On the day he was killed Montes De Oca scolded Samaniego, who he described on Facebook as the "love of my life," for saying "bye" at the end of their phone call. "Never say 'bye'," he said to her. "Say 'See you later.'"

Read more: www.nydailynews.com/new-york/north-jersey-marine-killed-ambush-taliban-soldiers-afgahnistan-article-1.1022203#ixzz1mMlvaCJt (http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/north-jersey-marine-killed-ambush-taliban-soldiers-afgahnistan-article-1.1022203#ixzz1mMlvaCJt)

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