View Full Version : Helping young mothers

02-15-2012, 11:40 AM
On 18 February, Lavern Morris, a physician liaison at Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters (CHKD) in the US, will travel to Santo Domingo, where she will deliver 480 bi-lingual children's books to the Resource Mothers program, a project that pairs experienced mentors with young pregnant mothers from some of Santo Domingo's poorest neighborhoods.

Since its founding, the Physicians for Peace program has expanded from 10 to 20 barrios in Santo Domingo East, and it has provided hundreds of young mothers with the support, education and guidance they need to have safer pregnancies, healthier babies and brighter futures. Morris was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the current program and in coordinating important training workshops on topics such as building trust with clients and their families, working effectively with hospital and clinic personnel and preparing first-time mothers for labor, delivery and parenting.

"The more we worked together, the more I realized that, even though their environments and cultures were different from those at home, young mothers and babies in the Dominican Republic and the US face many of the same problems, and they need similar support," Morris said.

On this new training mission, Morris will present information on literacy to the Resource Mothers. Specifically, she will help them teach their clients how to develop critical early reading skills in children, beginning at six months of age. She hopes the colorful children's books she leaves with the program will serve as a springboard for creativity n and become one more tool for the Resource Mothers as they promote trust and strong relationships with their young clients.

"The Resource Mothers program is really about building a strong family unit, and reading to children, telling them stories, has tremendous benefits for both mom and baby," Morris said.


www.physiciansforpeace.org (http://www.physiciansforpeace.org)

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