View Full Version : Neo-natal equipment for border region hospitals

02-16-2012, 12:30 PM
The Ministry of Public Health has delivered 14 sets of neo-natal equipment to hospitals along the frontier, at a cost of over RD$16 million. Dr. Nelson Rodriguez Monegro, the Deputy Minister for the Health Services Network, noted that the equipment would be used for ante-natal as well as neo-natal care and help lower the maternal-infant death rates in the areas along the frontier. The equipment includes different diagnostic sets as well as portable incubators and heart monitors. The equipment will help the Dominican Republic reach the United Nations Millennium Development Goals for 2015 in these areas.

The handover event was attended by the local UNICEF representative, Maria Jesus Conde as well as several Public Health Ministry officials. Dr. Rodriguez Monegro said that three neo-natal care centers would be created in the Rosa Duarte Hospital in Elias Pina, El Cercado and in the Dr. Luis Bogaert Municipal Hospital in Esperanza. Likewise, assisted ventilation would be installed in the regional and provincial hospitals of Jaime Mota in Barahona, San Bartolome in Neiba, General Santiago Rodriguez in Santiago Rodriguez, in the Taiwan Hospital in Azua, and in the Alejandro Cabral Hospital in San Juan de la Maguana. Neo-natal equipment was also handed over to the Fray Basrtolome Health Center in Neyba, Doctor Elio Fiallo Center in Pedernales, the General Melenciano Center in Jimani, the Federico Armando Aybar Center in Las Matas de Farfan, the Padre Fantino Center in Montecristi, and the Ramon Matias Mella Center in Dajabon.

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