View Full Version : CAASD identifies new water sources

02-16-2012, 12:30 PM
The Water and Sewer Corporation of Santo Domingo (CAASD) has identified two sources of water that can produce between eight and ten cubic meters per second, which would allow the water company to solve the deficit of potable water for the National District and Greater Santo Domingo. The Minister of State and director of the CAASD, Freddy Perez, reported that technicians from the water company discovered that the construction of a small dam on the river Haina and the installation of a pipeline from the Hatillo Dam would produce sufficient water to eliminate the deficit in the nation's largest city, according to an article in Listin Diario. Perez said that this would provide water for the city until 2030. He said that the CAASD is currently producing 17.7 cubic meters per second but the demand is for 25 cubic meters per second, which forces the corporation to ration water.

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