View Full Version : Hipolito has a birthday party

02-23-2012, 01:00 PM
After assuring reporters that his polls put him ahead of the ruling PLD's Danilo Medina, PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia rejected accusations that he is sponsoring a dirty tricks campaign against the PLD nominees. "I am not involved in this, never have I been nor am I now, because what is dirty is what Vincho (Marino Vinicio Castillo) and that group are doing, I do not do this," he stressed, speaking yesterday, Wednesday February 22.

In his judgment, the dirty politics campaign unleashed against the PLD candidates is a problem of "theirs, because I do not sponsor on the sly, since when I am going to say something, I say it myself." In response to the latest polls that put Medina in the lead, Mejia said that his numbers give him an ample advantage. "In most of the towns where I have finished a poll, such as La Vega, Puerto Plata and Santiago, I am 20 points ahead. Here, in the National District, is where we are closest with a difference of between six and eight points. In Santiago I have a 30-point advantage," he said.

The PRD candidate celebrated his 71st birthday yesterday, surrounded by relatives, friends and supporters who accompanied a Mariachi band singing "Happy Birthday." From the early hours of the morning his house was visited by hundreds of people who wanted to wish him a happy birthday personally. Also, at his campaign headquarters in the Ensanche Naco, he spent some time with dozens of people as well as attending Mass.

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