View Full Version : Sued speaks out

02-24-2012, 01:30 PM
Speaking on the program 'El gobierno de la manana', the ex mayor of Santiago, Jose Enrique Sued, said that with the announcement of his expulsion from the PRSC, the party leaders are victimizing him and warned that no one could throw him out of this party of which he has been a member for 42 years.

PRSC general secretary Rogelio Genao, interviewed separately on the same program, said that Sued's dismissal was "ipso facto" as the rules state that a party member must automatically resign if he supports a different candidate from the one agreed on by the party.

As reported in Listin Diario, Sued said he would work to gain the support of other PRSC members for Hipolito Mejia's candidacy. When asked about the thoughts of the president of the PRSC in Santiago, Papito Cruz, who was against his expulsion, he said that Papito Cruz was an intelligent man and that the party's decision to expel him was stupid.

Genao said that it was a shame that Sued was no longer a member of the party but it was Sued himself who had left it 'for personal reasons'.

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