View Full Version : Possible fuel shortage

02-24-2012, 01:30 PM
Hoy reports that the Dominican Association for the Distribution of Fuel and Derivatives (Adoicode) announced last night that it would stop transporting fuel until the drivers who paralyzed the service yesterday changed their attitude or the authorities ensured that their equipment would not be damaged.

Last night several gas stations were closed as they had run out of fuel, because the Fuel Drivers Transport Union (SACTPA) was striking asking for a 20% wage rise and health insurance for themselves and their families and they will not allow the drivers of the fuel to deliver from the Dominican Petrol Refinery (Refidomsa) which is endangering the national economy and a risk to public safety,

In a statement signed by Isla Dominicana de Petroleo, Chevron Caribbean, Petromovil, Sodetransp, Shell Company, Sunix Petroleum and Eco-Petroleo, they questioned the action of SACTPA, saying that they had been in negotiations, mediated by the Labor Ministry and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, when surprisingly the delegation called for a strike against the Constitution and the Labor Code.

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