View Full Version : Metro got more than most

02-12-2007, 05:00 PM
Last December the now infamous Santo Domingo Metro received more money than the capital expenditure of five ministries combined. The Office for the Re-Organization of Public Transportation (OPRET) received RD$479.7 million, according to the Budget Office bulletin released this week. According to Hoy, the Public Health, Education, Education Science and Technology, Public Works, and Environment Ministries received just RD$256.5 million. The newspaper also reports that for 2006, the budget for the Metro was set at RD$1.835 billion, but over RD$3.0 billion were spent on the project. There was even a RD$1.1 billion transfer of funds from the ministries of Public Health and Education. The Metro is supposed to go into service in spring 2008.

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