View Full Version : Government to spend in Dajabon

02-12-2007, 05:00 PM
The Dominican government has assigned RD$210 million for the construction of modern infrastructure in the town of Dajabon. The essential element of the construction will be a new bi-national marketplace to replace the squalor and disorganization currently associated with market days in the frontier town. Diario Libre reports that the market occupies, in a very disorderly fashion, about 20 square blocks of the town, using sidewalks and streets to service the public. The improvements will be made with European Union funding, and are part of an ambitious plan to rebuild the customs house in Juana Mendez (the Haitian border town of Ouanaminthe) as well as the highway from Cap-Haitien (Haiti's second-largest city) to Dajabon, a 78-kilometer stretch.

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