View Full Version : Aura Celeste led it off

02-12-2007, 05:00 PM
According to the much-read column in Hoy newspaper, "Que se dice" (What's being said), Central Electoral Board (JCE) magistrate Aura Celeste Fernandez is no longer a lone voice. She has found company in her decision to reject, for legal reasons, the special largesse given to the magistrates of the JCE.
Magistrate Mariano A. Rodriguez, the head of the JCE Disputes Chamber has reportedly returned his RD$132,995.20 incentive payment (covering two months). In a letter to the JCE financial director, Rodriguez says that he was returning the money because he was able to prove that the sum was the exact equivalent of the deductions made for income tax, pensions and retirement fund and funeral fund, and he would therefore be evading his fiscal and tax responsibilities by accepting this money. Magistrate Rodriguez said that he did not feel any need to wait for the government's Chamber of Accounts to determine the true status of the "incentive." The columnist placed tongue firmly in cheek and wrote "probably because all it took was a calculator and a minimum of common sense."

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