View Full Version : 38 deputy ministers at Agriculture

02-28-2012, 04:10 PM
The Ministry of Agriculture has 38 deputy ministers earning high wages and enjoying a series of perks. 29 of them work directly with Agriculture Minister Salvador (Chio) Jimenez. Only nine of the ministers have specific roles, as reported in Hoy.

According to law, the Ministry should only have three deputy ministers, in charge of the areas of farm production and marketing, natural resources and research and farm extensions. The deputy minister positions are considered technical, not political posts, in Law 8-65 that created the Ministry. The wage of a deputy minister is RD$60,080, but they enjoy a series of perks such as vehicle plans, vehicle running costs, cell phone and travel expenses, etc.

On 19 February the Ministry of Public Administration instructed the government to reduce the number of deputy minister posts to comply with the law. The Ministry of Agriculture has 9,201 employees and spends over RD$100 million on wages, as reported in Hoy.

The World Economic Forum regards the Fernandez administration as a world leader in wasteful spending.

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