View Full Version : Chavez and Petrocaribe

02-28-2012, 04:10 PM
As long as the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, is in power, the Petrocaribe agreement will be maintained. The Venezuelan ambassador in the country, Alfredo Murga, said that Venezuela is confident that President Chavez's health will improve over the next few days. He revealed that the Venezuelan leader was having another operation in a Cuban medical center on Tuesday, February 28. According to the diplomat, at this time, the polls give Chavez more than 60% against his opponent Henrique Capriles Radonski. "This is a hypothetical case, this thing about revising the Petrocaribe Accords, if this is going to happen," he said referring to the announcement by Capriles Radonski that he would revise the Agreement if he wins the elections.

Petrocaribe is an alliance between several Caribbean nations and Venezuela, a Chavez government initiative that seeks to ensure the sale of oil under preferential conditions. The initiative, launched in June 2005, allows the Caribbean nations to purchase up to 185,000 barrels of petroleum a day. The ambassador was interviewed yesterday morning when he went to the National Assembly, where President Leonel Fernandez gave his state of the nation address.

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