View Full Version : Joven Gastronomia Espanola

02-29-2012, 12:40 PM
The first round of new generation Spanish gastronomy is set to take place at the Hotel Embajador from 29 February to 2 March. The event is being held at the hotel's Restaurante El Jardin. Guest chef is Spaniard Macarena de Castro, owner of the El Jardin de Mallorca Restaurant that last year received its first Michelin star recognizing its creativity, quality and care in food preparation and service.

The Embassy of Spain announced that the rounds of gastronomy seek to introduce new generations of Spanish chefs who are following in the footsteps of the great maestros such as Adria, Arzak, Subijana, Jose Andres, Dani Garcia, Martin Berasategui or Sergi Arola, among others that have made a name for themselves as promoters of a new Spanish gastronomy that is fresh, innovating and delicious, generous and personal. The plan is to promote dishes that are marked by a new curiosity and are open to other cultures, without breaking with Spanish culinary tradition.

For more on upcoming events, see http://www.dr1.com/calendar

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