View Full Version : Labor Minister suggests changes

03-01-2012, 01:10 PM
Minister of Labor Francisco Dominguez Brito suggested yesterday Wednesday 29 February that there was a need for a consensus on labor reform, for modifying the Social Security Law and to begin the inception of the Primary Health Care Units on 1 May.

He said that it is time for labor reform aimed at finding a way out of some of the problem areas like the "mafia" of lawyers that does damage to the country. He stated that the Labor Code had to be modified in order to make it more flexible and transparent, and to prevent the abuse of rights and the "mafia of lawyers, the purchase of decisions and the bureaucracy of the system."

Moreover, he said that there was a need to improve conciliation mechanisms and to deal with the issue of union freedom. He also indicated that unemployment insurance should be dealt with, and this will require studies.

In his judgment, there is a need to fight for labor policies that generate investments and especially quality employment and decent work. "Without investment, without ambition by the business community, there can be no quality jobs in the Dominican Republic," said the official.

He said that the best policy for generating and developing jobs is creating and maintaining the conditions needed for the business sector to invest and develop itself. He went on to talk about labor policies, which without education, no matter how much is done and no matter how many incentives are in place, it will not be possible to create quality jobs. He said that the greatest of all human resources is knowledge, which is acquired and transformed and which permits a person to be more productive.

Dominguez Brito went on to suggest, as the invited speaker at the monthly American Chamber of Commerce luncheon, that the Social Security Law should be modified. With this idea, he said that all sectors should get down to work immediately on a discussion aimed at finding a consensus and go on to facilitate the decision making process for the new authorities starting 16 August.

Dominguez Brito added that there was a need to start the Primary Care Units (CAP) on 1 May, and once they are up and running to find consensus solutions to the issues. He said that they should begin in the geographical area chosen for the pilot program that will allow the authorities to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the process and continue forward until the strategy is completed.

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