View Full Version : Martelly to visit

03-01-2012, 01:10 PM
Haiti President Michel Martelly will visit the Dominican Republic on Monday, 26 March. The announcement comes on the heels of the news that he has chosen Laurent Lamothe as candidate for prime minister. Lamothe is the current minister of foreign affairs. The Haitian Constitution allows for double posts.

Martelly's visit will kick off the start of work by the Dominican-Haitian Bilateral Mixed Commission that deals with matters of interest to both countries, with a focus on migratory issues.

It was announced that the members of the mixed commission have already agreed to open a new international bridge over Masacre River between Dajabon and Ouanaminthe to make border crossing more efficient.

During the next meeting in Santo Domingo, a protocol will be signed for the use and maintenance of the bridge.

Members of the Haitian government will also look into welfare programs under the Fernandez administration.

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