View Full Version : Ministries to present achievements of past eight years

03-02-2012, 01:40 PM
Yesterday, Thursday March 1, President Leonel Fernandez announced the start of television and radio broadcasts "Rendering Accounts to the Dominican People." The programs will air on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9pm, said the Presidency.

The announcement follows comments by the National Business Council (Conep) that the President had failed to fulfill constitutional requirement to render a report on the previous year in his state of the nation address on 27 February.

Article 114 of the Constitution establishes that the President of the Republic shall render accounts annually to Congress of the budget administration and the financial and administrative affairs of office of the previous year, meeting with Art. 128 of the Constitution. It also establishes that the President needs to present a message to Congress explaining the macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts, the economic, financial and social expectations, and the main priorities that the government intends to implement within the framework of the National Budget for the current year.

Article 128 establishes that the President need to present before Congress, at the opening of the first regular legislative session on 27 February of every year, the reports of the ministries, and to render account of his administration during the previous year.

Conep criticized President Leonel Fernandez for presenting what they considered more of a comparative and cumulative report on the past eight years in government.

Nevertheless, in the announcement, the President said that the forums would serve for the ministries to present achievements over the past eight years of government. Presidency press secretary Rafael Nunez said that the forums would begin on Tuesday, 6 March and would run through the first week of April. The programs will air on Telemicro Digital 15 and a network of stations signing on.

President Leonel Fernandez has been in government for almost 12 years (1996-2000, 2004-2008 and 2008-2012). He promoted a revision of the Constitution that now allows him to run for President again in 2016. First Lady Margarita Cedeno is the running mate to PLD presidential candidate, Danilo Medina.

www.presidencia.gob.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=14959 (http://www.presidencia.gob.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=14959)

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