View Full Version : Amet had a busy year

03-02-2012, 01:40 PM
According to figures released by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET) and reported in El Dia, 1,586 people were killed in traffic accidents during 2011.

60.47% of fatalities were on motorbikes, 21.12% on foot, 8.26% in cars, 2.48% in trucks, 2.27% in pick ups, 1.20% in buses, 3.34 in SUVs, 0.44% in minibuses, 0.25% on machinery, and others were 0.25%.

86% of the deaths were men and 14% women. Most deaths occurred on Sundays, with over a quarter, followed by Saturday and then Monday and just over half (50.75%) of those who died were aged between 16 and 35.

Amet stated that they issued 630,608 tickets for contraventions during 2011, and that they confiscated 53,807 motorcycles and 33,750 vehicles.

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