View Full Version : Oxfam calls for change

03-02-2012, 01:40 PM
Presenting Oxfam's strategic plan for 2012-2016, the international development agency's director in the Dominican Republic, Rosa Canete, said that it is imperative to change the political culture, the culture of the politicians, and the people in general to be able to have real democracy in the country.

The four areas prioritized by Oxfam in the Dominican Republic are: citizenship and government, women's rights, rural development and livelihoods and disaster prevention and response.

Canete said that there were crumbs of hope regarding governability but that there was a long way to go until there was a better dialogue between the citizens and the parties.

As far as women's rights were concerned she said that poverty amongst women was 1.25 times higher than amongst men but she complimented the state on the legal changes aimed at eradicating the discrimination and inequality against women.

Canete said that the authorities were still very weak in terms of disaster preparation and response, and said they wanted to continue to work with communities, municipalities and the State to improve the capacity to respond.

She concluded by saying that people in rural areas had been forgotten by public policies over the last decades, and that they too had rights, which at the moment appeared to be less than those enjoyed by the people in the capital.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)