View Full Version : US$937,500 for bioenergy studies

03-05-2012, 03:50 PM
The Dominican Republic's National Energy Commission (CNE) signed a technical cooperation agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank on the development of bioenergy on Friday March 2, reports the Caribbean Journal.

The agreement will lead to a series of studies on bioenergy, taking into account the country's cooperation on biofuels with Brazil and the United States.

The IDB is funding US$937,500 towards the project that will have two components: technical studies on bioenergy and on the sustainability of agricultural projects.

Enrique Ramirez, president of the National Energy Commission, says his agency will look to establish the feasibility of various bioenergy projects, with a focus on the cultivation and industrialization of sugar cane.

Ramirez signed the agreement with Manuel Labrado, the Inter-American Development Bank's representative in the Dominican Republic. The CNE president said he planned to identify companies involved in the Dominican Republic's agricultural market, with particular attention to those working with sugarcane and fruits and vegetables.

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