View Full Version : Hipolito counters Leonel's 27 February speech

03-06-2012, 04:20 PM
Last night the PRD presidential candidate and former President, Hipolito Mejia, accused the Leonel Fernandez government using the National Budget to "install a one-party dictatorship" in the country, controlling major agencies of the state apparatus. Diario Libre quoted the former President as saying: "The Dominican people know that with the backing of the National Budget, the PLD has taken control of the Executive Branch, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Council of Magistrates, the Supreme Court of Justice, the Constitutional Tribunal, the Central Electoral Board, the Higher Electoral Tribunal, most municipal governments and the Chamber of Accounts," in his address last night.

Mejia addressed the nation over radio and television in a message responding to Leonel Fernandez's 27 February speech presented as his rendering of accounts to the National Assembly. Using data from international agencies, the PRD presidential candidate gave his counter argument to the achievements listed by President Fernandez during whose administration he said that the public debt has gone "from US$9.705 billion in August 2004 to US$23.915 billion at the end of 2011, with projections that indicate it will reach US$25 billion when he hands over the government within six months."

"We also heard that poverty has gone down to 32% of the total population, when ECLAC recently said that it is 41%. And even more, the World Bank and the International Labor Organization say that the population living below the poverty line reaches 50%," he said.

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