View Full Version : PLD answers Hipolito

03-06-2012, 04:20 PM
The PLD Political Committee did not lose any time and immediately issued a document in response to Hipolito Mejia's speech. The Committee warned that the country "cannot return to the backwardness, with a man who embodies chaos, incompetence and disorder."

On the points listed by Mejia about the installation of "a one-party dictatorship" in the country due to the supposed domination of most institutions, the PLD defined itself as an "institutional party that will continue to give evidence of openness and of a broad consensus." The Committee used the reform of the Constitution of the Republic, the special laws and the National Development Strategy (END) as an example of its institutional obedience and democratic vocation, "where all the opinions were taken into consideration in order to make a decision."

They assured voters that the PLD has had a spirit of compromise, "which has known to listen to all of the national sectors in taking decisions." They said that, on the other hand, "Hipolito Mejia headed a government that disrespected all sectors, going so far as to mock business leaders and the press." In their document, the PLD Political Committee judges the Mejia speech in harsh terms, especially the accusation that many PLD officials have villas. The PLD said that neither Leonel nor Danilo have villas, and that on the other hand, he (Hipolito) left power with one in Jarabacoa and another one in San Cristobal. They also recalled that in his declaration of assets in 2000, he had RD$19,000,000 and three years later he told a Univision reporter that he had assets of between US$2 and US$3 million.

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