View Full Version : Reasons for Fernandez's declining popularity

03-07-2012, 12:50 PM
In an analytical piece in today's Hoy newspaper, economist and historian Bernardo Vega concludes that rising violence, crime and drugs are the main reason behind the declining popularity of President Leonel Fernandez at the end of his second consecutive term. Vega lists the reasons why President Leonel Fernandez, who left his first 2000-2004 term of office with an 80% popularity rating, is now listed as among the least popular Latin American presidents. He makes the point that the cases of Lula da Silva in Brazil, Michelle Bachelet in Chile, Alvaro Uribe in Colombia and Oscar Arias in Costa Rica contradict claims that popularity declines with time in government.

The next reason is growing corruption in government, he writes. He says that while in 2007, 48% of the population perceived that there was more corruption in the Fernandez government compared to under Hipolito Mejia, by 2012 this had increased to 57% of the population.

The third reason for the declining popularity he calls the "self-encapsulating" nature of President Fernandez. He said that with exception of his speeches on 27 February, very few times he has addressed the nation. He recalls the sad defense Fernandez made on TV of the signing of the IOUs for Sunland before these works were begun. He says that Fernandez does not receive local press, despite a very eloquent verbosity.

"This strong decline in his unpopularity could explain why he has been asked to go on campaign alone, without PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina.

Fernandez is expected to run for President in 2016, as the 2010 Constitution passed by the PLD-majority Congress allows this. Vega speculates that violence, corruption and self-encapsulation are negative factors that may work against him.

www.hoy.com.do/opiniones/2012/3/6/417625/La-impopularidad-del-Presidente-Fernandez (http://www.hoy.com.do/opiniones/2012/3/6/417625/La-impopularidad-del-Presidente-Fernandez)

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