View Full Version : Jails overcrowded

03-07-2012, 12:50 PM
The old-style jails in the Dominican Republic are vastly overcrowded, according to data from the National Prisons Board, which states that out of a total number of inmates of 22,271, some 17,750 are held in the old jails which should have a capacity of 6,133 n some 289.4% over capacity. There are three new-style prisons with a capacity for 4,922 inmates and they currently hold 4,521 prisoners. Of these prisoners only 580 are women, representing 2.6% of the total prison population, According to lawyers and prosecutors consulted by El Caribe, crime is still a man's world with few women involved. Lawyer Carlos Moreno, when questioned, stated that this was a traditional country and crimes like murder and drugs are committed mainly by men. Women are more likely to be used as drug mules, and the few murders they do commit tend to be crimes of passion.

Of the 1,493 foreigners in jail, some 82% are Haitian. Four percent n a total of 68 - are US nationals and the remaining 14% are other nationalities.

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