View Full Version : Cardinal wants judges to be firm or leave the bench

03-08-2012, 02:10 PM
Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez is warning the Judicial Branch Council (CPJ) that its members need to take "painful" decisions, including the suspension or dismissal of judges who are "complacent," after he criticized the way in which some interim judges have issued "foolish sentences" in the last few years. Meanwhile, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice and the CPJ, Mariano German Mejia, said that any judge who makes a mistake, who is shown to be corrupt, and who is not willing to take on a commitment, "should get out of the Judicial Branch because otherwise we are going to fire him."

Lopez Rodriguez said that the CPJ must continue sending unequivocal signals against complacency in the face of unjustified actions. "I ask: Why is the titular judge not on the bench? What is an interim judge doing here?" He immediately answered by saying that every time there are cases that are very dangerous and "sticky," in which there is a suspicion that the titular judge might not want to act and a substitute is placed to "do whatever is needed, silly or irresponsible as it may be."

He called on the Council to tell the magistrates that anyone who does not have the valor to act should "leave, resign, because what is needed here are men and women who have integrity, and who are capable and responsible." The prelate said that he wished the interim judges would act little and even less in difficult situations. "And that the titular judges should act with full responsibility, no matter who it is," he concluded.

The Cardinal urged the magistrates to study the elements that appear during a trial profoundly and ponder with all their consciousness, so that they form their own opinion, with the aim of handing down a responsible sentence, based only and exclusively on the authentic evidence.

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