View Full Version : Hatuey meets with deputies and some issues

03-08-2012, 02:10 PM
The differences in the PRD came into relief yesterday in the National Congress (CN) during a visit by the political director of the campaign of the party's presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia. Hatuey De Camps headed a political meeting with the PRD bloc of deputies "to deal with integration and the small problems that exist in some places," with the legislators in the PRD presidential candidate's campaign. Just 55 of the 74 PRD deputies attended the meeting.

The meeting, which the spokesman for the PRD bloc, Ruddy Gonzalez, and another 19 deputies did not attend, was bitterly criticized by Rafael Vasquez (Fiquito) and Aquiles Ledesma, who felt that the PRD's institutional channels were somehow violated. "This is the parliamentary faction of the PRD, this is not part of the campaign team. In order for anyone who is not in the PRD, because Hatuey is not in the PRD, to convene the bloc, the procedure was highly incorrect," said Vasquez. Nonetheless, deputies Alberto Atallah and Nelson Arroyo said that the meeting in no way sought to create difficulties with the faction that is controlled by Miguel Vargas Maldonado, the party president, but to consolidate work so that Mejia wins the elections next 20 May.

De Camps, who described the meeting as exciting, said that the deputies were all integrated into the campaign and that he guarantees that a quota of the power that they have to have will be the result of the work that they produce. "These adjustments are directed towards a greater participation and the fact is that the deputy is being given the dignity and the recognition that he deserves, not only in the campaign command team but also in all the sections of leadership in this campaign," concluded De Camps.

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