View Full Version : Danilo reminds voters of Hipolito's bad days

03-12-2012, 02:00 PM
Campaigning in Puerto Plata over the weekend, ruling PLD party candidate Danilo Medina reminded voters of the economic crisis at the close of former President Hipolito Mejia's 2000-2004 administration. He pointed to improvisations in financial and monetary measures taken during that government. Medina said that in his new campaign, Mejia, in an attempt to hide his inability to rule, is trying to portray President Leonel Fernandez as his opponent, criticizing the present government as if Fernandez were his opponent.

"I am the candidate, I compete with a clean campaign, based on proposals that ensure a safe change. I am Danilo Medina and I will go into government to implement my own plan, in which I dictate the beliefs and commitment I have towards the Dominican people," said Medina, as reported in El Dia.

Campaigning in Rio San Juan, on the north coast, Medina said: "Young Dominicans must use their vote to prevent a repetition of the same mistake of the 2000 elections when a man who had no notion of how to run a country and who was preferred for his ability to make jokes was elected President," according to a PLD campaign press release. The youth sector is seen as a possible deciding factor in the 2012 presidential elections.

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