View Full Version : Mejia presents his campaign, poll shows him leading

03-12-2012, 02:00 PM
Former President Hipolito Mejia announced the results of the Centro Economico del Cibao local research consultancy group poll that shows him ahead in voter preference in the lead up to the 20 May election when unveiling his campaign program at an event held at the UASD auditorium over the weekend. Mejia presented his government program and criticized what he described as the dictatorship of the present administration.

In his speech, Mejia said that his government program would focus on the needs of Dominican society, promised to end wasteful spending and corruption and increase education spending to 4%, or about RD$100 billion, and improvements in tourism, health, agriculture and industry.

The recent Cibao Economic Center poll shows that PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia has an 51.2% lead compared PLD candidate Danilo Medina's 43.7%. The nationwide poll surveyed 7,500 people from 12 to 28 February. 51% of those polled said that Mejia would bring change, compared to 42.5% who believed there would be change under Medina, as reported in El Nacional.

As for job creation, fighting crime and combating corruption, 48.8% said the PRD candidate would be more effective, compared to 43.2% who believed Medina would do better.

Mejia leads the preference among those surveyed who believe he is more likely to pull the country out of crisis, with 46.3% to 38.8% for Medina.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)