View Full Version : In the wrong place, at the wrong time

03-13-2012, 03:40 PM
The son of former guerilla fighter, Claudio Caamano, Claudio Francisco Caamano Velez died on Sunday when he was hit by a bullet, intended for someone else. As reported in Listin Diario, the Central Department of Criminal Investigations revealed three persons are under arrest in the case: Maikel Miguel Valdez, owner of the colmadon El Fenomeno in Pizarrete, Peravia where the killing occurred, Kelvin Polanco (Maiki), and Moreno Puello (Pitaca). A fourth person, Rodolfo Martinez (Pocho) is sought in this case. The father of the deceased told Listin Diario that his wife and Francisco, had been together enjoying the afternoon and late evening after the carnival. At around 11pm they left the son at Colmadon El Fenomeno, him promising he would not be long. Then around 11:45pm, the known Pocho and Pitaca entered the Colmadon. They were known to have unfinished dealings with Maiki, against whom they fired several bullets, one of which hit Caamano. As reported in Listin Diario, Brigade General Juan Ramon de la Cruz, chief of the Police in Peravia, said they were on the trail of the key suspect. Caamano Velez, a graduate in agriculture studies who worked at the family tropical fruit farm in Peravia, was buried at 10am today in Santo Domingo.


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