View Full Version : What is in salami?

03-14-2012, 05:20 PM
The head of the National Consumer Rights Protection Institute (Pro Consumidor), Altagracia Paulino, said that the lab test results of samples of salami and other sausages would be ready next week. They are being checked to see if they are made with heads, wings, feet and offal, and are dangerous to health. She said that pig farmers had complained that they were being made with ground up chicken bones, leading Pro Consumidor to take samples of salami to establish the levels of nitrates and nitrites, which have carcinogenic properties.

In an interview on "El bulevar con Pablo McKinney", for CDN 37 TV station, Paulino warned that the factories could be temporarily closed if irregularities were found in the quality of the product. She added that their licenses could also be revoked if there was a danger to health. Paulino stated that "Pro Consumidor has closed illegal factories and taken them to court," whilst asking judges to help to strengthen the consumer protection system by applying justice.

She said that public administration was to serve the citizens, not like the private sector, which served its clients.

She asked any citizens who felt that their rights had been violated when buying products or services should contact Pro Consumidor and make a complaint, which they would then investigate.

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