View Full Version : Gallup polls on leading concerns

03-14-2012, 05:20 PM
Carried out 3-6 March nationwide with 1,200 respondents, the Gallup-Hoy poll reveals that for Dominican voters, the main problems affecting the nation are the high cost of living (56.5%), crime (51.4%) and unemployment (49.3%). Other leading concerns are power outages (38.4%), trafficking and drug use (21.8%) and education (17.3%). The economy overtook citizens' concern for safety issues that had topped the list in the November 2011 Gallup poll. 66.5% of those interviewed felt that the economy is not performing well, although the dissatisfaction level has declined from the 74.2% in November 2011.

According to the poll, more than half of Dominicans (56.8%) still view the country's future with pessimism. However, this national average has fallen compared to November last year, when 68.4% had this perception.

The public opinion research also shows that only 28.2% of voters think the country will be better at the end of this second consecutive term of the Fernandez administration. 30.5% responded that things will be the same and 30.9% said matters would be worse. 10.4% refused to answer the question.

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