View Full Version : Farm producers see Ministry as enemy

03-15-2012, 01:50 PM
Luis Bonilla, board member of the National Confederation of Farm Producers, said that imports approved by the government, especially during harvest times, are the farming sector's worst enemy. He added that these imports are directly administered by Presidential Minister Luis Manuel Bonetti and handled by the Ministry of Agriculture. Bonilla said that the current situation would ruin the local farmers. Bonilla is also the secretary of the National Banana Association.

In a report by Leonora Ramirez for Hoy, the guest at the Corripio Communications Group Luncheon said "that if the imports were done with transparency, there would be no problems, but what is happening is that from the seat of government they approve purchased of farm products so that a few can continue to get rich."

Eric Rivero, the president of Cofenagro, said that permits for the import of farm products should be done on a transparency table "and not at the whim of Minister Salvador - Chio - Jimenez." He went on to say that these permits should not be issued at the very time that a harvest is being carried out. In one example, which has been in the news lately, Manuel Matos, a representative of the San Juan de la Maguana Unitary Farmers Committee, described how importing beans at the same time as the harvest had depressed prices to the extent that thousands of quintals of beans were still languishing in warehouses.

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