View Full Version : X-ray contract studied by executive commission

03-15-2012, 01:50 PM
The ICSSI SRL company reported yesterday Wednesday 14 March that contractual issues generated by the lawsuit to annul a contract signed with the Ministry of Armed Forces is being heard by a commission appointed by the Executive Branch. The contract provides for the installation of x-ray equipment at Dominican ports.

According to a press release issued by the company, in which the signatures of the owners do not appear, President Leonel Fernandez, by Decree 757-11, dated 20 December, 2011, appointed a commission composed of the Minister of the Armed Forces, the Judicial Councilor of the Executive Branch, the Director of the Dominican Port Authority and the director general of Customs.

They indicated that with this step they are trying to reach a solution to the conflict "which came about with the concession by the Dominican state to the ICSSI, SRL, company, the implementation of a system of non-invasive inspection with x-rays in all the ports of the country."

This contract, according to an article published in Diario Libre in the Wednesday, 14 March edition, is the subject of a lawsuit that has been going on for eight years, after the Directorate General of Customs (DGA) expressed its refusal to put into practice the agreement signed in 2002 because it considered it abusive and not transparent.

The ICSSI SRL company said that they had recently taken part in a meeting at the headquarters of the Armed Forces in which they reiterated their willingness to reach a solution to the differences that have impeded the ports of the Dominican Republic from having a non-intrusive x-ray inspection system at their disposal for the past eight years." They said that the courts "have no jurisdiction to annul a contract approved by the National Congress." They pointed out in answer to a statement by the head of the DGA, Rafael Camilo, saying that the tribunals refused to give Customs "their request for permission to contact other companies for the installation of the x-ray system."

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