View Full Version : Dominican Republic is not racist

03-16-2012, 03:20 PM
Taking part in the United Nations Human Rights Commission Annual Meeting, the director general of Immigration, Jose Ricardo Taveras Blanco, warned the Commission that the complaints about the Dominican Republic made by groups at the UN are fabricated.

Taveras Blanco said that he would never, under any circumstances, admit to the accusations of racism that these UN groups were constantly making against the Dominican government and the Dominican people.

He stressed that not only is racism forbidden by the Constitution and Dominican laws, it does not exist in the people's culture and much less in state politics.

He said that if the international community has information they should first seek confirmation, as the Dominican authorities have to refute these claims every time because everything is being done to besmirch the nation's image.

Taveras Blanco highlighted the progress that Dominican society had made in respect of civil and political rights. He said that the fact that the country bordered the poorest nation in the western hemisphere gave rise to issues and stated that the Haitian problem does not just affect Haiti and its neighbors, but humanity as a whole. He said that it led to a process of illegal immigration and the world should respect the Dominican Republic for trying to sort it out. He went on to set out the policies now being implemented for the documentation of migrant workers

Dominican Ambassador to the UN, Virgilio Alcantara headed the delegation, along with representatives from the Armed Forces, the Ministries of Public Health and Women, and the Attorney General's office.

Last Monday, Dr. Jose Angel Aquino, a member of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) went before the UN to deny that they were refusing to issue documentation to descendants of Haitians who lived illegally in the Dominican Republic. He said that the JCE did not discriminate against descendants of Haitians or any other foreigner; they simply applied the laws laid down by the constitution.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)