View Full Version : Muestra Internacional del Cine

03-16-2012, 03:20 PM
Now in its 14th year, the Muestra Internacional del Cine will be held in Santo Domingo, this time from 15 to 24 March. Films from 20 countries will be shown. The festival opens on 14 March with the screening of My Grandfather (Mi abuelo), a Dominican film directed by Albert Xavier. On the opening evening, Colombian film Greetings to the Devil (Saluda al Diablo de mi parte), directed by Juan F. and Carlos E. Orozco will also be shown. The films can be watched at Fine Arts Cinema of Novocentro on Av. Lope de Vega. See a list of films at http://dr1.com/calendar/events/index.php?com=detail&eID=4057

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