View Full Version : Guillermo Moreno tells why you should vote for him

03-20-2012, 04:40 PM
Former district attorney in a first government of Leonel Fernandez and dean of the Unibe law school, Guillermo Moreno continues to address the need for change in government. In an interview in El Caribe, the presidential candidate of the minority party Alianza Pais addresses the issues of corruption, crime, judicial security, education and reforming democracy as focus of his government.

"I would like to transform the democracy we have today. I do not believe in a formal democracy, but in a substantive one, where citizens have the right to exercise control on their representatives," he said.

"I also aspire to transform this economic model from one that now is based on taking on foreign debt and services, to one based on production. That the axis of our development be the generation of wealth based on our potential," he said.

Moreno says that the main reason for the increase in crime is the increase in drug trafficking. "Drug trafficking has penetrated the security bodies. This structure of complicity is intact and there is not the will of the President of the Republic nor that of the prosecutor general nor any chief of the police to disband this," he said.

El Caribe speculated that it is said that any President who attempted to disband the mafias would lose the post. "We will do a test to see if that happens," he said, accepting the challenge. "Now we have to do a great prophylaxis of the Armed Forces and the Police, but upwards down," he commented. He said the new police would focus on prevention and protection of citizens, rather than on meeting crime with violent measures. He said better working conditions are necessary for policemen, who should receive a minimum of RD$15,000-wage, and increases for seniority and merit.

Regarding increasing taxes as is expected after the elections, he said: "I don't think the Dominican state has the moral authority to create new taxes and before doing so it has to revise the ones we have, how the money is used and then make adjustments so as to end wastefulness." He commented the government passes tax laws and then is the first to violate them, as has happened with the Education Law.

Moreno's party receives only 1% in the polls, but he calls a vote for him is a strategic one with a future vision. "In this election there is a tactical vote and a wasted vote. All citizens that vote for traditional parties will be throwing away their vote. He who votes for Hipolito Mejia or Danilo Medina will not receive any surprises. Corruption will continue, crime, and the bankruptcy of our national producers because those with influence will continue to traffic in import permits. There is a useful vote in this election and it is that which is exercised to strengthen an alternative proposal. Those that vote for AlPais are voting to strengthen a third option that can move ahead to be the new majority, and then the country can move out of the vicious bi-party system."


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