View Full Version : Fernandez to deliver 10 sports facilities this year

03-22-2012, 06:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez inaugurated the Polideportivo Maximo Gomez in Bani on Tuesday March 20. The sports pavilion, which was built with funds from the Presidency's Office of Supervising Engineers of the Presidency (OISOE), cost RD$55 million. The opening ceremony was attended by the ministers of sports, public works, administrative of the Presidency and engineers Luis Sifres and Cesar Fernandez, as well as the senator for Peravia, Wilton Guerrero and San Juan de la Maguana, Felix Bautista, former director of the OISOE. During the event, Sifres said that this was just the second of 10 large multi-use facilities that would be inaugurated by Fernandez in March and April in Barahona, Bonao, Los Alcarrizos, Invivienda, Haina (Santo Domingo) and Azua.

The sports facility was built with a metallic structure, aluzinc roof, and NBA-type flooring.

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