View Full Version : Children at play in the Haunted House

03-22-2012, 06:00 PM
Very few people in the Dominican Republic who have traveled to the Cibao on the Duarte Highway are not familiar with the "haunted house" on the roadside outside of La Vega. The old blue house with its rusty tin roof seems to stare out at the valley from its perch up on a hillside. Rumors are passed down from parents to children and few are unaware of its existence. In some places, such as Tireo near Constanza, where electricity arrived in 1987, old folks would scare the children with stories of the old house.

Recently a Dominican movie called "The house on Kilometer 5" - much like the Blair Witch Project - tried to portray the scary circumstances of the old place. However, schoolchildren have been seen playing around the old house and the owners have told El Caribe reporters that they might sue the filmmakers for using the house without their permission.


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