View Full Version : Dominican Republic increases forestry coverage

03-23-2012, 03:30 PM
According to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Dominican Republic increased the amount of trees by 8% since 2003 with 39.7% of the country now covered in woodland. The data was released during a ceremony commemorating World Forest Day and was supported by the Foundation for Global Democracy and Development (Funglode) Center for Environmental and Sustainable Development.

The event was attended by people linked to the environmental field including academics, government officials, international specialists and directors and deputy ministers from the Environment Ministry including Manuel Serrano, the Deputy Minister of Forestry Resources, according to El Nuevo Diario.

Serrano said that that the increase in tree cover from 32% in 2003 to 39.7% in 2011 was a great success for the country, when most other countries were showing a decline. The increase was attributed to the decrease in forest fires, thanks to the implementation of a policy to control them in vulnerable areas.

Another factor is the reforestation program that the government implemented through the National Plan for a Green Quisqueya, and public awareness.

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