View Full Version : Deputy remanded for 12 months

03-23-2012, 03:30 PM
The Dominican Supreme Court has remanded PRD deputy Ramon Antonio Fernandez for one year in jail, accused of sexually abusing a minor.

Fernandez said that it was political persecution and that he would sue the Supreme Court for its decision as it was unconstitutional, and insisted that the proof presented by the prosecutor, including medical examination of the victim, was false.

The Court announced the decision yesterday, Thursday, 22 March, saying that it would read the total sentence on 28 March and explain the reasoning behind the decision.

The Deputy will have to go to jail within the next six months, during which time Congress will assess his case and decide whether or not to lift his immunity. He is prohibited from leaving the country during this time.

He is accused of sexually abusing a 14-year old girl on several occasions some six years ago. The victim, who is now 20, said in a closed hearing that Fernandez had threatened her to prevent her from complaining, and that the abuse had taken place over a six-month period.

Although she and Fernandez initially reached a financial agreement, she decided to bring charges against him as he had not kept his promise to pay her RD$360,000, as reported in El Dia.

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