View Full Version : DR-Haiti Bilateral Commision renewed

03-27-2012, 01:30 PM
The governments of the Dominican Republic and Haiti reaffirmed their commitment of maintaining a "safe" frontier policy and without obstacles for the exchanges between both countries yesterday, Monday, 26 March, and re-launched the work of the Mixed Bi-lateral Dominican-Haitian Commission.

In a joint declaration signed at the Presidential Palace by President Leonel Fernandez and his Haitian counterpart Michel Martelly, both nations establish that the Bi-lateral Commission constitutes the fundamental mechanism for bilateral dialogue and for pushing forward with mutually beneficial cooperation.

They also created the "Bolivarian Fund for Solidarity with Haiti", which among other things instructs the country, which already has approval from Venezuela, to deposit the payments corresponding to the debt service for the import of petroleum and its derivatives within the framework of the Petrocaribe agreement into a special fund for financing development projects for Haiti.

"The fund for financing projects will be created through a special account that will be set up in the Dominican Republic's Banco de Reservas," according to the agreement. Each year the country pays Venezuela US$70 million of the accumulated Petrocaribe debt.

Both Fernandez and Martelly reiterated that the commitment for peace and democracy in the two nations was their primary objective, as well as strengthening relations between good neighbors.

They also agreed that migration affairs, which are frequently complex, deserve an appropriate solution. Neither Fernandez nor Martelly were available for interviews by the press.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/03/27/i329866_haitia-acuerdo-petrocaribe-rd-gobiernos.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/03/27/i329866_haitia-acuerdo-petrocaribe-rd-gobiernos.html)

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