View Full Version : Suspected hackers in preventive custody

03-27-2012, 01:30 PM
The District Attorney of the National District has asked a judge for preventive custody against four men and two minors, accused by the judiciary of being members of "Anonymous Dominicana" and who are suspected of being hackers of at least nine web pages belonging to State institutions and two telephone companies. Milton David Corniel Jimenez (Zerohack), Juan Rafael Acosta (Nmap), Cristian Jose de la Rosa (Mot), Roberto Delgado Reynoso (Frank-Ostia) and the other two minors are being held in the jail at the Palace of Justice in Ciudad Nueva.

The web pages targeted include the Presidency of the Republic, the Department of Taxes (DGII); the ministries of Education, Higher Education, Hacienda, National Police and private companies, including Orange Dominicana.

The case is heard by Permanent Attention for the National District, Keila Perez Santana, postponed the hearing regarding the coercive measures against the four adult. She sent the minors to the Tribunal for Boys, Girls and Adolescents for a hearing on coercive measures against the two minors. Deputy prosecutors German Vasquez Sosa and Juan Mateo Ciprian from the Investigative Division for Infractions against Intellectual Property and High Technology suggested that the Anonymous Dominicana cell was allegedly headed by Acosta Leonardo, the alleged founder of the account IRC#Anonymousdominicana.

The authorities said that they carried out a series of attacks that downgraded service, which consists of action against a computer system or network that causes a service or a resource to become inaccessible to legitimate users.

The men were arrested in the Unmask operation, in coordination with Interpol, as reported in El Nacional. In February, a group of Interpol technology crime specialists assisted local experts.

www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/3/26/116128/Jefe-PN-revela-como-desmantelo-red-dehackear (http://www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/3/26/116128/Jefe-PN-revela-como-desmantelo-red-dehackear)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/03/27/i329857_hackeo-fiscalia-anonymous.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/03/27/i329857_hackeo-fiscalia-anonymous.html)

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