View Full Version : problem with .mov attachments

02-15-2007, 11:10 AM
I am trying to upload a .mov file (3.31Mb) using "Manage your attachments". It goes through all the rigmarole with the progress bar but then says it cannot accept it bcause I am exceeding my quota by 5.84Mb. It also says "You are currently using 3.53 MB to store 31 uploaded attachments".

1) What should my quota be and why don't the above figures total correctly?

2) How can I delete my 31 existing attachments which relate to old posts long past their read-by dates? Some had a tick-box and I cleared them. Most of them don't have a tick-box to mark for "delete" so I cannot clear them.

3) How come the prestigious "Economist Intelligence Unit" rated Ireland as having the highest Quality of Life in the World? Who would want to live in that rainswept bog-ridden shithole festering with superstitious drunken spongers?
Have I got the right side of you now, DT?

02-15-2007, 11:15 AM
esta loco :D

Don Tomas
02-15-2007, 05:38 PM
I am trying to upload a .mov file (3.31Mb) using "Manage your attachments". It goes through all the rigmarole with the progress bar but then says it cannot accept it bcause I am exceeding my quota by 5.84Mb. It also says "You are currently using 3.53 MB to store 31 uploaded attachments".

1) What should my quota be and why don't the above figures total correctly?
Being a member of HQ, your quota is unlimited BUT there is a limit hardcoded into the code for the max size of an attachment which is something like 2.37MB, which is probably why you get a wierd error message. The other upload options (Galleries/Links, VBImageHost, or File Upload Center) work differently and have a much higher size limit.

2) How can I delete my 31 existing attachments which relate to old posts long past their read-by dates? Some had a tick-box and I cleared them. Most of them don't have a tick-box to mark for "delete" so I cannot clear them.
Odd, is there a pattern? Are the non-deletable attachments older or a certain type of file? Can you take a screen shot and post it?

3) How come the prestigious "Economist Intelligence Unit" rated Ireland as having the highest Quality of Life in the World? Who would want to live in that rainswept bog-ridden shithole festering with superstitious drunken spongers?
Have I got the right side of you now, DT?
Sounds like a very intelligent and logical group there.

As the old saying goes:
Q: Why do the Irish fight each other?
A: Because there are no other worthy opponents.

Now we know that is a correct fact, there are no other worthy countries!

02-16-2007, 09:33 AM
Being a member of HQ, your quota is unlimited BUT there is a limit hardcoded into the code for the max size of an attachment which is something like 2.37MB, which is probably why you get a wierd error message. The other upload options (Galleries/Links, VBImageHost, or File Upload Center) work differently and have a much higher size limit.

DT, I used File Upload Center instead which worked great (thanks) so I won't bother my pretty little head trying to understand the problem.

Odd, is there a pattern? Are the non-deletable attachments older or a certain type of file? Can you take a screen shot and post it?
I will PM you three .jpgs which list my attachments. I am not fussed about clearing them now, but it is odd that when I first looked there were many (including some higher Mb zip files of bachata mp.3s which I uploaded recently) that had a tick-box to remove (which I did successfully). As you will see on the .jpgs the remaining files have no tick-box, perhaps because they are all old uploads? Feel free to clear them yourself if you want to tidy up stuff.

Sounds like a very intelligent and logical group there.
As the old saying goes:
Q: Why do the Irish fight each other?
A: Because there are no other worthy opponents.
Now we know that is a correct fact, there are no other worthy countries!
I am not going to waste my valuable time insulting the Irish if you are only going to reply in this mild and good-humored way. Are you on sedatives?

02-16-2007, 09:51 AM
I will PM you three .jpgs which list my attachments.
Oops! I just realised I cannot attach files to a PM (or can I?). Anyway, I post them here. Do as you wish with these files. Thanks.

Top of first screen:

Bottom of first screen:

Second screen: