View Full Version : Educational ballot papers ready

03-30-2012, 03:30 PM
Yesterday afternoon, Thursday, 29 March, the Central Electoral Board (JCE) handed over the ballot print outs that political parties traditionally use to educate voters. The JCE delivered 1,000 of the ballots to representatives of each party taking part in the elections next 20 May.

Delegates from the PRD, PLD, PRSC, Social Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRSD), the National Progressive Force Party (FNP), Dominican Humanist Party, the Dominican Popular Front, Dominicans for Change, Democratic Alliance, and other parties participating in the electoral contest were present.

JCE secretary Ramon Hilario Espineira said that they would be printing 1,850,000 copies as well as 198,000 for the overseas vote for distribution among the political parties, as reported in Listin Diario.

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