View Full Version : Campaign activities to rev up

04-02-2012, 01:20 PM
With a month and a half to go before the campaign close date, the political parties received a boost with the Central Electoral Board (JCE) awarding RD$1.4 billion of taxpayer money to finance political campaigns. Secretary General Ramon Hilario Espineira and financial director Diomedes Ogando of the JCE delivered the checks.

The PRD was awarded RD$175,791,77, the PRSC RD$323,567,021, the PQDC RD$17,605,673, the PRSD RD$13,373,318, the PTD RD$12,827,256, the PHD RD$12,346,074, the DXC RD$11,993,401, the PDP RD$11,514,298, the PCR RD$10,999,428, the PDI RD$10,945,086, PL-RD RD$10,976,880, the AlPais RD$8,018,342, the APD: RD$19,398,982, the ASD RD$8,587,408, the FNP RD$7,450,940 and Moda RD$19,408,686.

The PLD funds were retained until a previous funds use report is submitted.

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