View Full Version : Candidates agree to less aggressive campaign

04-02-2012, 01:20 PM
Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez succeeded in getting political candidates to sign a civility pact at the Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) on Friday, 30 March. Hipolito Mejia (PRD), Danilo Medina (PLD), Eduardo Estrella (DxC) and Max Puig (APD) all signed the agreement. The Pact for an Electoral Campaign based on Proposals (Pacto por una Campana Electoral Basada en Propuestas) was promoted by the Catholic Church. The pact calls for less violence in the campaign and establishes that only the Central Electoral Board (JCE) may issue the winning statement. The candidates agreed to coordinate campaign activities so as not to clash, and to respect each party's symbols and colors.

The parties also agreed to back the approval this year of a bill aimed at further regulating political campaigning (Ley de Partidos y Agrupaciones Politicas and Ley Organica de Regimen Electoral).The bills have been dormant in the PLD-majority congress. Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado said upon the signing: "I expect that after Easter the campaign becomes a celebration of the spirit of Dominicanness, of mutual respect and shows that we are capable of loving one and another," he said.

As well as Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez and the rector of the PUCMM, Agripino Nunez Collado, the event was led by JCE president Roberto Rosario and Reverend Fidel Lorenzo Meran, representing the Evangelical churches. Also general secretaries Orlando Jorge Mera of the PRD, Reinaldo Pared Perez for the PLD, Manuel Rafael Oviedo for DxC and Carlos Luis Sanchez for the APD, and the campaign directors for the parties.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/03/31/candidatos-pactan-declararse-ganadores (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/03/31/candidatos-pactan-declararse-ganadores)

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